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Negligent Security

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Negligent Security

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South Florida Negligent Security Lawyer

Generally speaking, property owners have a duty to provide reasonable security measures to protect their guests from violence. If you were the victim of a violent attack, you should contact an experienced negligent security lawyer to review the facts of your case.

The team at Brubaker Injury Law has successfully represented victims of violence that never would have occurred if a property owner had taken reasonable security measures. A claim for negligent security may arise under numerous fact patterns, but some of the most common include:

  • A property owner that has notice of the risk of attack on their premises but fails to hire security.
  • A property owner is aware of past attacks and the inadequacy of their current security system but fails to take measures to make the property safer.
  • A property owner who fails to install or maintain adequate lighting on the premises.
  • A property owner that fails to install or maintain adequate gating on the premises.
  • A property owner that fails to train or poorly trains its security guards.
  • A security guard who fails to act or intervene during an attack.

Brubaker Injury Law is a client-focused law firm. Our team has recovered tens of millions of dollars for our injured clients. We understand the trauma, pain, and suffering caused by a violent attack, and we hold property owners accountable for their failure to provide simple security measures. If you or someone you know has sustained injuries due to negligent security, contact us today for a free, no-strings-attached consultation.

How Much Does It
Cost To Get A Case


Our team is here to listen, assess your case, and provide personalized guidance, all without any upfront costs. Your well-being matters, and we’re dedicated to helping you on the path to recovery.

Don’t Wait! Contact Us Today.
